Field level help: Help View, Field properties and Tooltip

Before looking at what help is available at the field level, it is useful to understand the difference between a field's system name and its label in the User Interface, and how we refer to fields in this documentation:

Information about fields is accessible in several ways from within Axiell Collections:

Source of help


Help View

Help View provides a description of a field's purpose and other data entry instructions for users.

Details here.

Field properties box

Back-end details about a field are available in the Field properties box. This information is more technical than that available in Help View and is typically used by Power users and Application Administrators.

Tooltip: hover-over field

When working with Axiell Collections it is often necessary to know a field's system name or tag (when performing an Advanced search for instance). The quickest and simplest way to identify these is to hover the cursor over a field: a tooltip will display the field's system name in current interface language (selected in the Main menu) and its unique tag.

This feature is available in different modesClosed A record is either in Display mode (we view its details) or Edit mode (we add or edit its details). A record enters Edit mode as soon as we create a new record, copy a record in Record details View or edit an existing record. and Views, including: